Mastering Sourcetree: Handling Custom Actions with Multiple Files Containing Spaces
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Mastering Sourcetree: Handling Custom Actions with Multiple Files Containing Spaces

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Are you tired of struggling with custom actions in Sourcetree, especially when dealing with multiple files containing spaces? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to tame the beast and make Sourcetree work for you.

Understanding Custom Actions in Sourcetree

Custom actions in Sourcetree allow you to create custom commands that can be executed on your repository. These actions can be used to automate tasks, integrate with other tools, or simply make your life easier. However, things can get tricky when dealing with multiple files containing spaces.

The Problem: Spaces in File Names

The issue arises when you try to create a custom action that involves multiple files with spaces in their names. By default, Sourcetree will treat each file as a separate argument, causing the command to fail. For example, if you have a file named “My File.txt” and another named “My Other File.txt”, the command will see them as three separate arguments: “My”, “File.txt”, and “My Other File.txt”.

Solving the Problem: Enclosing File Names in Quotes

The solution lies in enclosing the file names in quotes. This tells Sourcetree to treat the entire file name, including spaces, as a single argument. To do this, you can use either double quotes or single quotes around the file name.

custom_action = "My Command" "My File.txt" "My Other File.txt"

In the example above, the custom action “My Command” will be executed on both “My File.txt” and “My Other File.txt” files.

Using Multiple Files with Spaces in Custom Actions

Now that we’ve learned how to enclose file names in quotes, let’s move on to using multiple files with spaces in custom actions. Suppose you have three files:

  • My File.txt
  • My Other File.txt
  • Yet Another File.txt

You can create a custom action that involves all three files by separating them with spaces and enclosing each file name in quotes:

custom_action = "My Command" "My File.txt" "My Other File.txt" "Yet Another File.txt"

Beyond File Names: Using Wildcards and Patterns

What if you want to execute a custom action on multiple files that match a specific pattern? This is where wildcards come into play. Sourcetree supports the use of wildcards in custom actions, allowing you to target files based on their names or extensions.

Using the Asterisk (*) Wildcard

The asterisk (*) wildcard matches any sequence of characters. You can use it to target files with a specific extension or prefix.

custom_action = "My Command" "*.txt"

In this example, the custom action will be executed on all files with the .txt extension.

Using the Question Mark (?) Wildcard

The question mark (?) wildcard matches a single character. You can use it to target files with a specific character in their name.

custom_action = "My Command" "My?File.txt"

In this example, the custom action will be executed on files that start with “My”, followed by a single character, and end with “File.txt”.

Advanced Custom Actions with Multiple Files

Let’s take it up a notch! Suppose you want to execute a custom action on multiple files, but with different arguments for each file. This is where things can get a bit more complex.

Using Arrays and Loops in Custom Actions

Sourcetree supports the use of arrays and loops in custom actions, allowing you to iterate over a list of files and execute a command on each one.

files = ["My File.txt", "My Other File.txt", "Yet Another File.txt"]
for file in files:
  custom_action = "My Command" file

In this example, the custom action “My Command” will be executed on each file in the array, passing the file name as an argument.

Putting it All Together: Best Practices for Handling Custom Actions

Now that we’ve covered the basics and advanced topics of handling custom actions with multiple files containing spaces, let’s summarize the best practices:

Best Practice Description
Enclose file names in quotes Use double quotes or single quotes around file names to treat them as a single argument.
Use wildcards and patterns Employ the asterisk (*) and question mark (?) wildcards to target files based on their names or extensions.
Use arrays and loops Iterate over a list of files and execute a command on each one using arrays and loops.
Verify that your custom action works correctly when dealing with files containing spaces.

By following these best practices, you’ll be well on your way to mastering custom actions in Sourcetree and effortlessly handling multiple files containing spaces.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve demystified the art of handling custom actions with multiple files containing spaces in Sourcetree. From enclosing file names in quotes to using wildcards and patterns, and even leveraging arrays and loops, you now possess the knowledge to tame the beast and make Sourcetree work for you.

Remember, with great power comes great responsibility. Use your newfound powers wisely, and happy coding!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Handling Custom Actions with Multiple Files Containing Spaces in Sourcetree”:

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your most pressing questions about handling custom actions with multiple files containing spaces in Sourcetree!

How do I handle custom actions with multiple files in Sourcetree?

To handle custom actions with multiple files in Sourcetree, simply separate each file path with a space. For example, if you want to run a custom action on file1.txt, file2.txt, and file3.txt, you would enter “/path/to/file1.txt /path/to/file2.txt /path/to/file3.txt” in the custom action field.

What if my file names contain spaces? How do I handle that in Sourcetree?

If your file names contain spaces, you can enclose each file path in double quotes. For example, if you want to run a custom action on “My File 1.txt”, “My File 2.txt”, and “My File 3.txt”, you would enter “/path/to/\”My File 1.txt\” /path/to/\”My File 2.txt\” /path/to/\”My File 3.txt\”” in the custom action field.

Can I use wildcards to select multiple files with similar names in Sourcetree?

Yes, you can use wildcards to select multiple files with similar names in Sourcetree. For example, if you want to run a custom action on all files with the “.txt” extension in a specific directory, you can enter “/path/to/*.txt” in the custom action field. This will select all files with the “.txt” extension in that directory.

How do I know if my custom action is working correctly with multiple files in Sourcetree?

To test if your custom action is working correctly with multiple files in Sourcetree, try running the action on a small set of files first. Check the output to make sure it’s what you expect. If everything looks good, you can then apply the action to a larger set of files.

Are there any limitations to using custom actions with multiple files in Sourcetree?

Yes, there are some limitations to using custom actions with multiple files in Sourcetree. For example, if you’re working with a large number of files, it may take a long time to process them all. Additionally, some custom actions may not be designed to handle multiple files, so be sure to check the documentation for the specific action you’re using.

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