Blazor Standalone App Doesn’t Save HTTP Request Cookies? Here’s the Fix!
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Blazor Standalone App Doesn’t Save HTTP Request Cookies? Here’s the Fix!

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Are you frustrated with your Blazor standalone app failing to save HTTP request cookies? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of Blazor and cookies, explore the common pitfalls, and provide a step-by-step guide to resolve this issue.

Understanding Blazor Standalone Apps

Blazor, a free and open-source web framework, allows developers to build web applications using C# and the .NET runtime. A Blazor standalone app is a type of deployment that runs on the client-side, without the need for a server. This approach provides a fast, offline-capable, and installable experience for users.

What Are HTTP Request Cookies?

HTTP request cookies, also known as browser cookies, are small text files stored on the client-side by the web browser. They contain information, such as session IDs, user preferences, or authentication tokens, that are sent with each HTTP request to the server. This allows the server to personalize the response based on the stored data.

The Problem: Blazor Standalone App Doesn’t Save HTTP Request Cookies

In a Blazor standalone app, cookies are not automatically saved by the browser. This is because the app runs on the client-side, and the browser treats it as a local file, rather than a remote server. As a result, the browser doesn’t store cookies in the same way it would for a traditional web application.

Why Is This a Problem?

The lack of cookie storage in a Blazor standalone app can lead to several issues, including:

  • Authentication and authorization: Without cookies, users may not be able to log in or maintain their session.
  • Personalization: Apps may not be able to store user preferences or settings.
  • Data persistence: Apps may not be able to store data locally, leading to data loss or inconsistency.

To enable cookie storage in a Blazor standalone app, follow these steps:

Step 1: Add the `CookieManager` Service

In your Blazor app, add the `Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Http` NuGet package. This package includes the `CookieManager` service, which allows you to manage cookies programmatically.

    <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Http" Version="5.0.0" />

Step 2: Inject the `CookieManager` Service

In your app’s `Startup.cs` file, add the following code to inject the `CookieManager` service:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

Step 3: Use the `CookieManager` Service to Set and Get Cookies

In your Razor component, inject the `CookieManager` service and use it to set and get cookies:

@inject CookieManager _cookieManager

@code {
    private async Task SetCookie()
        await _cookieManager.SetCookie("MyCookie", "CookieValue");

    private async Task GetCookie()
        var cookieValue = await _cookieManager.GetCookie("MyCookie");

Troubleshooting Common Issues

If you’re still experiencing issues with cookie storage, check the following:

  • Ensure the `CookieManager` service is injected correctly.
  • Verify that the `SetCookie` method is called correctly and the cookie is set successfully.
  • Check the browser’s cookie settings to ensure they are not blocking or deleting cookies.
  • Verify that the app is running in a context that allows cookie storage (e.g., not in a sandboxed environment).


In this article, we’ve explored the challenges of cookie storage in Blazor standalone apps and provided a step-by-step guide to resolve the issue. By following these instructions, you should be able to enable cookie storage in your Blazor app, ensuring a seamless user experience and resolving common issues related to authentication, personalization, and data persistence.


Question Answer
Will this solution work for all types of cookies? Yes, this solution should work for most types of cookies, including session cookies, persistent cookies, and secure cookies.
Can I use this solution for server-side Blazor apps? No, this solution is specific to Blazor standalone apps. Server-side Blazor apps use a different approach to manage cookies.
Are there any performance implications of using the `CookieManager` service? No, the `CookieManager` service is designed to be lightweight and efficient, with minimal performance impact on your app.

By implementing these steps and troubleshooting common issues, you should be able to resolve the problem of Blazor standalone app not saving HTTP request cookies. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck with Blazor Standalone App not saving HTTP request cookies? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to help you troubleshoot and resolve the issue.

Why does my Blazor Standalone App not save HTTP request cookies?

Blazor Standalone Apps don’t use the browser’s cookie storage by default, which means they don’t automatically save HTTP request cookies. You need to configure the app to use a cookie handler or implement a custom solution to store and re-send cookies.

How do I configure my Blazor Standalone App to use a cookie handler?

You can use the `HttpClient` with a `HttpClientHandler` that enables cookies. For example, in your `Program.cs` file, add `var handler = new HttpClientHandler { UseCookies = true };` and then pass it to the `HttpClient` constructor. This will enable cookie handling for your HTTP requests.

Can I use JavaScript interop to access browser cookies in my Blazor Standalone App?

No, you can’t use JavaScript interop to access browser cookies in a Blazor Standalone App because it doesn’t run in a browser context. However, you can use a library like `Blazored.LocalStorage` to store and retrieve cookies in a WebAssembly app.

How do I implement a custom cookie storage solution in my Blazor Standalone App?

You can create a custom cookie storage solution by using a library like `Microsoft.Extensions.Http` and implementing a custom `DelegatingHandler` to store and re-send cookies. This requires more code and configuration, but gives you full control over how cookies are handled in your app.

What are some best practices for handling cookies in a Blazor Standalone App?

Some best practices for handling cookies in a Blazor Standalone App include using a secure cookie handler, implementing proper cookie encryption and decryption, and following security guidelines for storing sensitive information.

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